What is BrainScope?
BrainScope is a system for recording, analysing and archiving of EEG/EP, polysomnography and biological signals in general. This system has been developed, produced and sold by the Czech company M&I, spol. s r.o. (M&I Ltd.) since 1990. In the region of the Czech Republic it is distributed under this brand.
BrainScope® is a nationaly registered trade mark (word and graphic) owned by M&I sro since 1994.
BrainScope is now more than a hundred of installations in dozen of countries on three continents in various areas of usage. For standard EEG and polysomnography it is mostly used in Czech Republic. For special usage and research the system is also used in Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Italy and USA.
BrainScope is a strategy of modularity which prefers flexible modules regardless of it being used in devices, computers or software.